Thursday, July 21, 2011

Make Art Not War....sent by Sherry Miller

Syracuse Cultural Workers
10 YEARS + COUNTING What should you do this fall? Make art!
10 YEARS + COUNTING From September 11 through October 7, 2011. Join a nationwide effort by U.S. artists to create grassroots cultural responses to the 10th anniversary of the war in Afghanistan.
10 YEARS + COUNTING There has perhaps never been a more important time for peaceful people to be heard. Our communities are under assault, income inequality is at staggering levels, and we are increasingly unhealthy in body and spirit. All the while our country continues to send our fellow Americans abroad to fight in wars we can't afford financially, mentally, or spiritually. After ten years it's time to say enough is enough.
10 YEARS + COUNTING Create a show, a spectacle, a happening, a sculpture, a dance, a flash mob, a bakeoff, a roving parade, free yoga classes, a poetry workshop, a choir, etc. Think outside the realms of traditional protest: what would your family like to do on a Saturday afternoon? What would be fun and meaningful for your community?
Once you've decided on your action, list your event at Songs and dances and can be uploaded to the 10YAC YouTube channel, poems can be submitted for a blog, and visual art can be submitted for an online gallery.
Help send up a rumble from the grassroots!
We are united by the imagination, by creativity, by tomorrow.
-Subcomandante Marcos
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